Vi blev också nyfikna på den stora sjö som ligger lite norrut, på andra sidan E20, Skagen.
Där upplevde vi inte samma sak. Det var flera vägar med förbudstavlor och vägbommar. Man var också på väg att bygga fritidshus (villor) ner mot sjön. Visst, vem drömmer inte om en sjötomt ? Men det känns som att möjligheten att komma närma sjön begränsas för de som inte är husägare i området. Det är tråkigt, vår fina natur tycker jag ska vara för alla.
Yes, to get close to the water with the Californian has become a bit of a target for us. it's something special to set up camp for the night and have views of the sea or a lake. When we visited the lake Unden after the suggestion I received, we had the opportunity to be approaching the water. The whole landscape around Tivedens National is very welcoming and you will approach the delicate nature in small roads. It is a privilege with responsibility, it should not be seen that you have been there when you leave.
We were also curious about the large lake located a little north, on the other side of E20, Skagen.
There was not the same feeling. There were several ways with ban billboards and road barriers. It was also about to build cottage (houses) down towards the lake. Sure, who does not dream of a house by the sea? But it feels like the opportunity to come closer lake is limited to those who are not homeowners in the area. It is sad, our fine nature should be for everyone.
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